Inner Beauty Project Virtual Workshop Registration
I am so excited you are in and ready to start Your Inner Beauty Project Journey. This workshop series is going to be transformational and even more valuable now that YOU are coming!
What is included in your registration?
My signature system to Unlock Your Inner Beauty | A strategic approach to cultivate a life of greater self-esteem, confidence, love, and personal fulfillment.
Three LIVE interactive virtual training sessions and group coaching with Nicole on Zoom (2 hours each).
IBP Inner Circle of Support = private virtual community + connection with other courageous women like yourself.
Custom Designed journal pages to guide you along the path of processing, personalizing, and applying Your Inner Beauty Project experience.
Discounted private (one-on-one )coaching packages with Nicole.
My Inner Beauty Project — Certificate of Completion to display daily reminders of your commitment to yourself. $PRICELESS